2012年9月16日 星期日

排舞 ( Line Dance ) 0044 安探戈 Ann's Tango Music Roman Guitar ( 含 .mp3 檔案 ) xiushan

排舞  ( Line Dance )
0044 安探戈 Ann's Tango
Music Roman Guitar
( 含  .mp3 檔案 )   xiushan
Level : Phrased Easy Intermediate - Tango Rhythm      
等級 :  初階中級排舞

0.1 舞名 ( Dance Name ) :
      Ann's Tango
0.2 歌曲名 ( Music Name ) :
      Roman Guitar
      by We Three
      (Album: Buona Festa)
1. 附加檔案 :
    0044NN 安探戈 Ann's Tango
    Music Roman Guitar.mp3
2. 附加檔案 :
    0044 安探戈 anns-tango-ID85270 Stepsheets 舞序.doc
3. 網路聯結 :


Ann's Tango -Line Dance (Demo & Teach)




2011JulietTeaching 2011-11-30 上傳

Won Third Place (Phrased) - Choreography Competition : The Vegas Dance Explosion 2011.
Phrased, 64 count, 2 wall, easy intermediate level, Tango rhythm.
Choreographed : Juliet Lam (USA) (Published Dec 2011).
Music : "Roman Guitar" by We Three (Album : Buona Festa).
Sequence : AA(28)B X3 + AA(28) & Ending B.
Danced : Juliet Lam
Videographer / Editor : Walt & Fang-Li Hsu.





4. ( 舞序 )

0044 安探戈  ( 舞序 )

Ann's Tango

                Count: 64      Wall: 2            Level: Phrased Easy Intermediate - Tango Rhythm
        Choreographer: Juliet Lam (USA) (Pulished: Dec 2011)
                Music: Roman Guitar by We Three (Album: Buona Festa)

Intro: 32 count (Approx. 15 seconds into the track)
Sequence: A A(28) B, A A(28) B, A A(28) B, A A(28) & Ending B*

Dedicated to my good friend/student, Ann Diveley.
Third Place (Phrased) - Choreography Competition: The Vegas Dance Explosion 2011

Part A (32 count)
Sec 1: 1/2 Rumba Box Forward X 2
1 - 4         Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right forward, Hold
5 - 8         Step left to left side, step right next to left, Step left forward, Hold

Sec 2: Corte, Hold, Step, Hold, Back, Hold, Back, Hook
1 - 2         Right big step forward to right diagonal, bend right knee, pointing left toe, Hold
3 - 4         Stepping down left in place, Hold
5 - 6         Step back on right, Hold
7 - 8         Step back on left, hook right across left knee

Sec 3: Forward Lock Step, Hold, Forward Lock Step 1/2 Turn Left Swivel
1 - 4         Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right, Hold
5 - 8         Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left, swivel 1/2 turn left,
Keeping both feet together (Weight on left) (6:00)

Sec 4: Prissy Walk Forward X 3, Right, Left, Right, Stomp
1 - 4         Walk forward on right across left, Hold, walk forward on left across right, Hold
5 - 8         Walk forward on right across left, Hold, stomp left next to right (Weight on left)

Part B (32 count) Starts at 12:00, Ends at 12:00
Sec 1: 1/2 Rumba Box Back X 2 (With Right Sweep Back)
1 – 4                Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right back, Hold
5 – 8                Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left back, sweep right from front to back

Sec 2: Behind, Side Cross, Point, Cross, Side, Behind, Point
1 – 4                Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left, point left toe to left side
5 – 8                Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behing right, point right toe to right side

Sec 3: Lunge, Recover, Side, Hold, Lunge, Recover, Side, Hold
1 – 4                Lunge right forward to left diagonal, recover on left, step right to right side, Hold
5 – 8                Lunge left forward to right diagonal, recover on right, step right to right side, Hold

Sec 4: Forward Hold, Forward Hold, Step Side, Drag, Stomp, Hold
1 – 4                Step right forward, Hold, Step left forward, Hold
5 – 8                Big step to right side, drag left toward right, stomp left next to right, Hold (Weight on left)

*Ending B: Facing the front, do the first 13 count of Part B, stomp R next to L twice & pose!!!

Start Again And Enjoy!!!

Contact: Juliet e-mail address : hsiaoll168@gmail.com











愛護我們的地球。 A short film that everyone should see and draw conclusions ...

Midway -
A short film that everyone should see and draw conclusions ...


The short video you will see (3:55) show an island which is located in the Pacific Ocean, 2000 km coastline.
On this island, no one lives,only birds and yet ...   See what happens

A short film that everyone should see and draw conclusions   ...


