Song of Repentance 懺悔歌 (Buddhism)
Wipe My Tears 擦乾眼淚 。
Wipe My Tears
Choreographed by:- William Sevone. February 26th 2011
Choreographed to:- "Song of Repentance (懺悔歌)" (86 bpm)... Táng Yù Xuán & Wáng Hé Fāng
Four Wall Line Dance:- 64 Count - Intermediate
Choreographers note:- The music is formed around a Buddhist Mantra. The hand movements are an
integral part of the dance and the dancer may add as much or as little extra styling as they wish.
This dance can be used also as a one wall Advanced Beginner level, by dancing up to Count 32 then restarting.
My thanks to Margaret Koay for bringing this music back to my attention.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with the main vocals -- feet slightly apart.
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Wipe My Tears 擦乾眼淚
Wipe My Tears 擦乾眼淚
Song of Repentance 懺悔歌 (Buddhism)
我們一起來懺悔,遠離那世間是與非。 Let us repend and be away from the rights and wrongs of Samsara. 我們現在來懺悔,放下煩惱與怨恨嗔恚。 Let us repend and let go of the afflictions, blames, hatreds, and angers. 我們用心來懺悔,願彌陀擦掉我的淚。 Let us repend and may Amitabha wipe my tears. 我們真誠來懺悔,願彌陀洗滌我心扉。 Let us repend and may Amitabha cleanse my heart
往昔所做諸惡罪,皆因貪嗔癡所累,我今皆懺悔,不願再違背,彌陀無怨無私的教誨。 I, now repend for the past wickedness and crime, which arises from greed, hatred, and ignorance, and I will not disobey Amitabha's resentlessness and selflessness teachings. 不管身心有多疲憊,求生淨土願不退。 Doesn't matter how weary are my mind and body, may I be re-birth in pureland without redrawal.