2013年1月30日 星期三

0054 你儂我儂 Charice - As Long As You're There (video & audio)


 0054 你儂我儂

Charice - As Long As You're There (video & audio)








Video and audio from the Glee episode. I do not own this video. All rights belong to their respective owners including FOX, SME and any others.







排舞 ( Line Dance ) 0054 你儂我儂 Gleefully There Music As Long As You're There ( 含 .mp3 檔案 ) xiushan

排舞  ( Line Dance )
0054 你儂我儂 Gleefully There
Music As Long As You're There ( 含  .mp3 檔案 )  xiushan
Level : Intermediate - waltz
等級 :  中級的排舞 ( 華爾滋 )

0.1 舞名 ( Dance Name ) :
     Gleefully There
    Count: 96 
     Wall: 2
  Choreographer :
   Rachael McEnaney (UK) Dec 2012
0.2 歌曲名 ( Music Name ) :
      "As Long As You're There"
        – Glee. Album: Glee The Music,
         Volume 6 (single on iTunes, approx 81 bpm)
1. 附加檔案 :
    0054NN 你儂我儂 Gleefully There
    Music As Long As You're There.mp3
2. 附加檔案 :
    0054 你儂我儂 Gleefully There
    Music As Long As You're There 歌詞 Lyrics.txt
3. 附加檔案 :
    Stepsheets 舞序
3.1  .doc 檔案 :
       0054 你儂我儂 gleefully-there-ID90935 Stepsheets 舞序.doc
3.2  .pdf 檔案 :
      ( .pdf 檔案 可以到超商列印。
       7 - 11 或 全家 這兩家超商可以列印。 )
     ( 先將檔案存在 行動碟 或 記憶卡 或 大拇哥…
    0054 你儂我儂 gleefully-there-ID90935 Stepsheets 舞序.pdf
4. 網路聯結 :
4.1 舞 :

Gleefully There - Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & 中文)






Choreographed by: Rachael McEnaney (UK) Dec 2012
96 count - 2 wall - Intermediate - Waltz
Music: "As Long As You're There" by Glee




4.2 音樂 ( MV ) 




glee original song, season 2 finale......scenes from Degrassi season 9 - declan and holly j.





5. 歌詞  Lyrics  :


你儂我儂 Gleefully There
Music As Long As You're There 歌詞 Lyrics.
As Long As You're There 歌詞 Lyrics
Lyrics by Glee

Glee – As Long As You're There Lyrics
As Long As You're There 歌詞 Lyrics

all my life
i've waited for the right
moment to let you know
i dont wanna let you go oh
now i realize
there's just no perfect time
to confess how i feel
this much i know is real
so i refuse to
waste one more second without you
knowing my heart
baby cause i dont
need anything else but your love
nothing but you means a thing to me
i'm incomplete
when you're not there
holding me touching me elsewhere
how long the risk could just dissapear
and i will not even care
as long as you're there
take this word
dont let them go unheard
this is me reaching out
i hope you can hear me now
this pain in my heart stands stay
taking is yours to break
having to try and lose
then keep this love from you
so i refuse to

waste one more second
without you
knowing my heart
(repeat chorus)
each day
and i
that i
kept it a secret
and it killed me
it's time
to share what i feel inside
(repeat chorus)
Glee – As Long As You're There Lyrics
As Long As You're There Ringtone Send "As Long As You're There" Ringtone to your Cell As Long As You're There Ringtone
"As Long As You're There"
All my life I've waited for the right moment to let you know,
I don't wanna let you go,
But now I've realized there's just no perfect time
To confess how I feel,
This much I know is real
So I'll refuse to waste one more second without you knowin' my heart
Baby, 'cause I don't need anything else but your love,
Nothing but you means a thing to me,
I'm incomplete
When you're not there,
Holding me, touching me I swear
All of the rest could just disappear
And I wouldn't even care,
As long as you're there.
Take these words,
Don't let them go unheard,
This is me reaching out,
I hope you can hear it now
'Cause, baby my heart said stay,
Take it, it's yours to break
I'd rather try and lose,
Than keep this love from you, yeah
So I'll refuse to waste one more second without you knowin' my heart
Baby, 'cause I don't need anything else but your love,
Nothing but you means a thing to me,
I'm incomplete
When you're not there,
Holding me, touching me I swear
All of the rest could just disappear
And I wouldn't even care,
As long as you're there.
Each day and night,
That I've kept this a secret,
It'd kill me; it's time to share what I feel inside
I don't need anything else but your love,
Nothing but you means a thing to me,
I'm incomplete
When you're not there,
Holding me, touching me I swear
All of the rest could just disappear
And I wouldn't even care,
As long as you're there...
As long as you're there...










6. 舞序 :


 0054 你儂我儂 ( 舞序 )

Gleefully There

                Count: 96      Wall: 2            Level: Intermediate - waltz
        Choreographer: Rachael McEnaney (UK) Dec 2012
                Music: "As Long As You're There" – Glee. Album: Glee The Music, Volume 6 (single on iTunes, approx 81 bpm)

Count In: 48 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals.

Notes: 2x Restarts on 2nd wall and 5th wall. You will face the back both times that you Restart.
Restart happens after count 30, however there is a slight change in directions – Restart facing the back.

[1 - 12] Step L, ¼ turn point R, hold, ½ turn, point L, hold, ¼ turn L, step R, ¼ turn L, R cross, L side, R behind
1 2 3                Step forward left (1), make ¼ turn left as you point right toe to right side (2), hold (3), 9.00
4 5 6                Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (4), make ¼ turn right as you point left toe to left side (5), hold (6) 3.00
1 2 3                Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (1), step forward on right (2), pivot ¼ turn left (3), 9.00
4 5 6                Cross right over left (4), step left to left side (5), cross right behind left (6) 9.00

[13 - 24] Big step L drag, Big step R drag – Begin diamond shape with forward & back basics
1 2 3                Take big step to left side (1), slide right towards left (2), hold (right toe is touched next to left) (3) 9.00
4 5 6                Take big step to right side (4), slide left towards right (5), hold (left toe is touched next to right) (6) 9.00
Next 12 counts make a diamond shape on the floor – go towards each corner:
1 2 3                Make 1/8th turn left stepping forward on left (face 7.30) (1), make 1/8th turn left stepping right next to left (2), step left in place (3) 6.00
4 5 6                Make 1/8th turn left stepping back on right (face 4.30) (4), make 1/8th turn left stepping left next to right (5), step right in place (6) 3.00

[25 - 36] Complete diamond shape with forward & back basics, Step L, Slow kick R, R coaster step
1 2 3                Make 1/8th turn left stepping forward on left (face 1.30) (1), make 1/8th turn left stepping right next to left (2), step left in place 12.00
4 5 6                Make 1/8th turn left stepping back on right (face 10.30) (4), make 1/8th turn left stepping left next to right (5), step right in place (6) 9.00
NOTE: On 2nd and 5th wall there is a Restart at this point in the dance (slight change). 2nd and 5th walls begin facing the back 6.00 wall.
You will dance the 12 counts of the diamond shape however you do not make the last ¼ turn – you end count 28-30 (456) facing the back and then restart facing the back
1 2 3                Step forward on left (1), raise right leg slowly like a kick forward (2,3), 9.00
4 5 6                Step back on right (4), step left next to right (5), step forward on right (6) 9.00

[37 - 48] Step fwd L, slow ½ pivot turn R, Step fwd L, Slow ¾ spiral turn R, Balancé to R & L
1 2 3                Step forward left (1), begin ½ pivot turn right weight still left (2), finish ½ pivot turn right transferring weight to right (3) 3.00
4 5 6                Step forward left (4), make ¾ spiral turn to right (5,6) 12.00
1 2 3                Big step right to right side (1), step ball of left slightly behind right in 5th position (2), recover weight onto right (3) sway body R on balancé 12.00
4 5 6                Big step left to left side (4), step ball of right slightly behind left in 5th position (5) recover weight onto left (6) sway body L on balancé 12.00

[49 - 60] ¼ turn R walking R-L with sweeps, 2x cross rock steps R&L
1 2 3                Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (slightly across left) (1), sweep left foot round (2,3) 3.00
4 5 6                Step forward on left (slightly across right) (4), sweep right foot round (5,6) 3.00
1 2 3                Cross rock right over left (1), recover weight to left (2), step right to right side (3) 3.00
4 5 6                Cross rock left over right (4), recover weight to right (5), step left to left side (6) 3.00

[61 - 72] R cross, L side, R behind, ¼ turn L sweeping R. REPEAT
1 2 3                Cross right over left (1), step left to left side (2), cross right behind left (3) 3.00
4 5 6                Make ¼ turn left stepping forward onto left as you begin sweep with right (4), continue sweep with right foot – weight stays left (5,6) 12.00

1-6           Repeat above 6 counts. 9.00

[73 - 84] Cross R, Slow kick L, Step back L, ronde sweep R, Back twinkle R, Back twinkle L
1 2 3                Cross right over left (1), raise left leg slowly like a kick (2,3) 7.30
4 5 6                Step back on left (4), sweep right leg around (off floor) (5,6) 9.00
1 2 3                Step back & slightly behind with right (1), rock left to left side (2), recover weight to right stepping slightly back (3) 9.00
4 5 6                Step back & slightly behind with left (4), rock right to right side (5), recover weight to left stepping slightly back (6)

These last 6 counts can be thought of as sailor steps that travel slightly back. 9.00
[85 - 96] R behind, L side, R cross, ¼ turn L, hold, Step fwd R, hold, L together, Step back R, Hook L
1 2 3                Cross right behind left (1), step left to left side (2), cross right over left (3) 9.00
4 5 6                Make ¼ turn left stepping forward on left (4) Count 4 is a strong step forward almost like a stomp. Hold (5, 6) 6.00
1 2 3                Step forward on right (1), hold (2), step left next to right (3) 6.00
4 5 6                Step back on right (4), slide left towards right (5), hook left in front of right shin (6) 6.00

Contact: www.dancejam.co.uk - Rachaeldance@me.com - Tel USA: +1 407-538-1533

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in the original format and include all contact
details on this script. Copyright © 2012 Rachael Louise McEnaney (rachaeldance@me.com) All rights reserved.






