天行健, 君子以自強不息。
Voice of Tears ( 心聲淚痕 )
Choreographer : Kenny Teh
64 counts - 4 walls, Intermediate level line dance
Music : Xin Sheng Lei Hen- Ji Lu Ba ( 心聲淚痕 - 吉魯巴 )
Start dance on vocals. ( 27 seconds after the music begins )
3th Wall: Restart after 32 steps
5. 舞序 :
Voice of Tears ( 心聲淚痕 ) Stepsheets 舞序
發佈者: kennytehokennyteho
Choreographed by Kenny Teh
Email: kennyteho@yahoo.com
Description: 64 count 4 Wall, Intermediate line dance
Music: Xin Sheng Lei Hen- Ji Lu Ba ( 心聲淚痕-吉魯巴 )
Start dance on vocals.
( 27 seconds after the music begins )
3th Wall: Restart after 32 steps
1 2 3 4 Rock right back, recover L making a ¼ L turn, right toe strut to the right (9)
3 6 7 8 ½ R turn left toe strut to the left, ½ L turn right to strut to the right (9)
1 2 3 4 ¼ R turn rock left fwd, ¼ R turn recover right, cross left over right, recover right (3)
5 6 7 8 Rock left to left, recover right, cross left behind right, hold
1 2 3 4 ¼ R turn step right fwd, hitch left, ¼ R turn step left fwd, hitch right (9)
3 6 7 8 Step right fwd, lock left behind, step right fwd, hold
1 2 3 4 Sweep left fwd, hold, sweep left back, hold
3 6 7 8 Sweep right back, hold, sweep right fwd, hold
( Restart here for 3th Wall: Sweep right fwd with a touch, hold)
1 2 3 4 Cross left over right, step right back, cross left over right, step right back
3 6 7 8 Tap left four times making 1/
1 2 3 4 Rock right, recover left, cross right over left, hold
3 6 7 8 Rock left, recover right, cross left over right, hold
1 2 3 4 Kick right fwd, step right back, kick left fwd, step left back
3 6 7 8 Step right out, step left out, step right in, step left together
1 2 3 4 Step right, step left together, ¼ R turn step right fwd, hold (6)
5 Step left fwd keeping left toe facing diagonally right bending both feet
6 Step right fwd keeping right toe facing diagonally left bending both feet
7 Step left fwd keeping left toe facing diagonally right bending both feet
8 hold