2011年12月16日 星期五

大自然之雄、奇、壯、美...Beautiful nature scenery 2.....



Subject: 大自然之雄、奇、壯、美...
Beautiful nature scenery 2



Great scenery from ''Planet Earth'' series, episode ''Fresh Water''.
Music is a mix of edited film music, classical music and soundtrack from BBC Planet Earth series. Tracks are:

The Boston Pops Orchestra - Itsbynne Reel (from album ''The Boston Pops Orchestra - The Celtic Album''), John Powell - Enough (edited, from ''P.S. I Love You Soundtrack''), Thomas Newman - The Wide Window, The Reptile Room, Taken by Surpreeze (from ''Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events Soundtrack''), George Fenton - Surfing Dolphins (from ''Planet Earth Soundtrack'').